has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
Internet Phone Meeting in person Dating Short Term Relationship Long Term Relationship
Internet Phone Meeting in person Dating Short Term Relationship Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
M-F-F Threesome M-M-F Threesome M-F-M Threesome F-M-F Threesome Foursome Group Sex Other Alternative Lifestyle
M-F-F Threesome M-M-F Threesome M-F-M Threesome F-M-F Threesome Foursome Group Sex Other Alternative Lifestyle
We are a curious, sensual, sexual, uninhibited, couple. Seeking to experience what life has to offer thats pleasurable. Easy going, laid back, liberal, open, with a wild side for fun. We believe in a what goes around comes around philosophy on life. We treat others as we expect to be treated (with respect). We are completely happy and secure couple. No jealous type people. We are open to new experiences with "completely involved" (discreet) bi-couples,bi-female, and bi-male, friends. We want to explore sexuality, and are discovering different, unique, pleasures in every experience!!!!!
Getting Together:
silvrtngdvls has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
silvrtngdvls can possibly entertain at their home.
silvrtngdvls would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
silvrtngdvls can travel up to 25000 miles.
Ideal Situation:
We would like to make contact through email, IM, exchanging pics, etc. Meet in a public place, coffee shop, bar, club, some place comfortable for all. As the night "rolls" along getting to know one another, and an attraction between all is sensed , we definitely will be interested in taking it as far as you can.
gettrashy these guys are a blast if you truly want some fun, these two are the most fun you can have...
phideaux34 lucky,lucky bimort..i surely believe the tasty part.
great pics!!
bimort Two of the nicest people I have met! Straight forward, honest, clean (and very tasty!). I enjoyed an evening with them both that will stay in my memory for quite some time. I am looking forward to seeing them again when I get out their way. Make sure you have worked out before you get together with them... they're a bundle of energy. Well worth the sore muscles the next morning.
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