Serving the bisexual community for over 23 years
Gender, Race:
Practice Safe Sex:
Only when it's requested
I am very experienced
5' 11, 204 lbs. (Big boned)
I don't have glasses
Interested In Ages:
18 - 52
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Short Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
1 on 1 Sexual Relationship
Blond smooth faced looking to suck expect nothing in return!
deep throat deep (no UVULA) when you go in nothing stop you in and down !
Getting Together:
shawn1262 has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
shawn1262 not sure if they can entertain at their home.
shawn1262 would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
shawn1262 can travel up to 50 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Meeting to suck you dry keeping it on the DL will give my number when you feel you need drained call!!! Been told my throat feels like a pussy squeezing! or a real tight ass!
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