A Navy veteran who been a nudist since 2013. Been to many nudist resorts, and nudist beach and an nudist private house where porn was the theme and males had to be nude but females did either nude or lingerie. i was like 31 and didnt feel fit in and ended up staring at the 18 year old girls and was drunk with boner following them their dancing shaking their asses. i think i eventually masturbated to them and ended with one on dance pole. i know i belong to family friendly type of nudist places. and beaches. i always wanted to belong to a family or be like an uncle or brother. since no one in my blood relatives are nudists. my deceased close sister would be naked and me to strip pants off and stare at my penis and call it handsome and be sad for my blue balls that my online sex therapist mistresses and
Supremacy University educate and brainwash me to stare at the hypnotic vids of girls walking in thongs looking up close to their asses proclaiming that my penis is my weakness but to keep it horny always cause it makes us weak and leak but never ever release to endlessly worship female ass and forever keeping all the built up sperm packed in blue/black balls. only drips allowed and eventually like me reach point that dic is burning drips and too much pleasure turn to pain and they have vids teaching us how to drip like make a cum drop individually work its way to the shaft then tip of penis head and finally letting it fall out of penis hole. anyways im all for family life but hope you accept my
Dominate life and my close sis said like if i joined a family that had young girl i could show her how her booty can one day be powerful and men would worship it and their penises would have to get big and get too much happy feelings in their penis forever and remember that happy feelings is called horny and penis is dic and its ok to have men worship your ass one day and remember theif dic is to stay horny forever and ever. by now im assuming girls know a lot about their female empowerment and know about horny and dic. the female model contests i like its on youtube and the females range like from 15-21 or 16-25 something like that and walk the runway mainly i notice the winner is always which girl showed the most ass cheeks and/or wiggled when walking. and the youngest ones win meaning the teen girls are more aroused and hormonal and make their thong body suit wedge deep in their ass crack and when they walk they dont care with light stepping they strut and let their ass cheeks wiggle all over. and im not surprised there is twerking session. teens know how to use their hormones with their ass and make all men at the site staring and taking vids yes ive seen its ok to record them. anyways my sis and i were close and shed be all horny and leave me voicemails of the sound if my dic was sucked. talk about AMSR. oh and id send dic pics showing how healthy i am down there all brazilian waxed around my dic and blue balls and on my dic and balls. id send two pics one of my burning horny dic from the modeling females videos and one pic of my swollen blue balls. may she R.I.P. my brazillian wax reminds me of her each month i go in and its all female and i call them goddesses. they make immense torture to my dic and balls by waxing and im always retracted dic and is embarassing. i recently told them id use their bathroom to jerk off and run in the wax room hard once i got naked on table but i jerked too much she said she saw cum coming out my dic whole and that she had to deny service. she said if it was just the clear leak kind it be ok but i she told me look at my dic and see white thick kind made its way out too late to push it back. the manager told me to keep the masturbating at home cause i guess i smelled like cum or balls or i had boner or something she said her daughter be there lately and dont want me doing my business at their bathroom. i think her daughter is grown cause i think she mentioned she a waxer too. maybe she thought id be horny and put my manhood out there and get her to want to here me masturbating. i dunno. just glad those ladies are nice and caring keeping my dic and balls on calendar.