has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
Cyber Sex 1 on 1 Sexual Relationship M-F-F Threesome M-M-F Threesome M-F-M Threesome F-M-F Threesome Group Sex Other Alternative Lifestyle
I am a fun, attractive guy with a dad bod who loves to play! There is actually very little I would not consider - but PLENTY I have not yet done . If you are into having good clean adult fun without baggage or some sort of attachment, I might be your guy. I am open to all sorts of play, though I am pretty sure someone out there will come up with something that is just a little too much!!! Try me........
Getting Together:
mew_1970 has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
mew_1970 can possibly entertain at their home.
mew_1970 would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
mew_1970 can travel up to 200 miles.
Ideal Situation:
I would see myself meeting individual or couple...and chatting a few times to see if we seem to click. If so, we could start to share a little more about what we are into and what private fantasies we would like to explore. I would then meet at a hotel...not too near...not too far...just right for complete discretion. I then enter the room and we start to explore those fantasies for the next several hours. When we are done, we can decide if we have had enough, or want to hook up again....and you WILL want to hook up again!
virgin56 Very nice and polite, happy to call him my friend and enjoyed our visit together
Newby9266 Great communications. Awesome evening. Bio comments are definitely accurate. Thanks
bierosica Mew has put into words what the rest of us spend hours trying to write. Shhhhh..... If you are nice he'll show you his cock!
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