has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
I am outgoing. to try new things and have fun. People usually rate me as a sweet person. I rather give than receive because I love to see others happy.
Getting Together:
luv_pussy101 has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
luv_pussy101 can not entertain at their home.
luv_pussy101 would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
luv_pussy101 can travel up to 20 miles.
Ideal Situation:
I hope to find a cute, sexy female that I can chill with. To have fun and enjoy one another's company. Basically I am hoping to find someone to have fun with.....with no strings attached.
multitalented I think she is what's up I like how her personality pops out of the screen. I would love to chat with her she sounds like my type of girl.
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