Age, Preference:
63, Bisexual
Gender, Race:
Practice Safe Sex:
Does not apply
I have a good amount of experience
6' 3, 265 lbs. (Average)
I have glasses, and I wear them all the time
Interested In Ages:
30 - 55
Looking For:
Single Men
Single Women
Will go as far as:
Short Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
Cyber Sex
1 on 1 Sexual Relationship
M-F-F Threesome
M-M-F Threesome
M-F-M Threesome
F-M-F Threesome
Group Sex
I love it all. Thier is very little I don't enjoy. So tell me what you want, I'm sure we can cum to some kind of a agreement.
Getting Together:
hungryforyourcock has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
hungryforyourcock can possibly entertain at their home.
hungryforyourcock would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
hungryforyourcock can travel up to 60 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Good times and enjoying the moment