has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
Internet Phone Meeting in person Dating Short Term Relationship Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
Cyber Sex 1 on 1 Sexual Relationship M-F-F Threesome M-F-M Threesome F-M-F Threesome Foursome Group Sex
Attractive 42 yr old bisexual female who is looking for female or may be couple! I am a normal woman with normal life: gardening, work, family, football, and etc. But my age has not slowed my sexual appetite or my zest for life! I am unique in a few ways for my age. For example I seem like the average soccer mom but in all reality I am a rocker mom!! I love to go to metal concerts, my ears are gauged (7/16), and I have tats! If I was 20 yrs. younger I would allow my skin to be a tapestry of body art! I enjoy these things but, know how to carry myself as a lady! So much about me, now tell me about you!
Getting Together:
bifemale_42 has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
bifemale_42 can not entertain at their home.
bifemale_42 would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
bifemale_42 can travel up to 25000 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Get to know each other then maybe meet publicly few times and see if the attraction is there!
SWFL4biFUN Thank you for sharing such hot, erotic, FANTASTIC bisexual fem poses and hot bods with us!
needfemale4fun Your description says attractive, that my dear is greatly understated. Your face is beautiful as is your body, then throw in hot and sexy.
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