Serving the bisexual community for over 23 years
Age, Preference:
64, Bi-Curious
64, Will not say
Gender, Race:
Practice Safe Sex:
Most of the time
Most of the time
I am a newbie (no experiences)
I have had a few experiences (still a beginner)
Interested In Ages:
35 - 45
35 - 45
Looking For:
Will go as far as:
Interested In:
My wife had exp with a girl whe she was a teen I have never but have a lot of fantasyWe meet a couple in Maryland once they invited us to theeir room and I waas sure the women wanted my wife but her husband chikened out my wife was upset when we left because she really wanted her that was the closest we came
Getting Together:
beatme_us has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
beatme_us can not entertain at their home.
beatme_us would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
beatme_us can not travel.
Ideal Situation:
not sure yet
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