has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
6'1", 200#, Average build, ex-military, looking to meet other guys 35 - 65 who have their head on their shoulders & no qualms about enjoying some good man to man action. Not into S & M, golden showers, or pain. hot showers, good back rubs, & versatility. Generally laid back & relaxed but energetic in sex. Enjoy the outdoors & hiking.
Getting Together:
Navy52 has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
Navy52 can not entertain at their home.
Navy52 would like to meet at a Restaurant.
Navy52 can travel up to 100 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Would like to sit a chat with the person in a restaurant or cafe. If things hit off okay then would like to go for a hike & enjoy the moment in the Great Outdoors or some place private & secluded. Not able to spend overnights.
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