I am a single, white male, late 40s, never married but came close a few times. I just "never found the right gal." While I always identified myself as straight---I also have had these lingering desires to experience sexual relations with other males. I had a few such experiences as a boy and young man, but once those had passed--I felt that I had passed "through a phase" or had merely been doing some natural exploration and put any such thoughts out of my mind. In my late 30s, those desires returned and when a situation presented itself--I had an experience with another guy, but that did turn out as I had thought it might. Once again--I put the experience aside feeling that "this bisexual or whatever you call it thing is not for me" and went on with my life even though the desires were there.
Now in my late 40s-in recent years the desire to have sexual experiences and possibly more with men has returned with a vengenance and I can no longer minimize or dismiss it---I want to have experiences of a sexual nature and more with other men--that does seem to be where my primary focus lies. That being the case, that does not preclude my remaining desire to also have relationships with females and what I seek ultimately--- is to establish a meaningful relationship with a woman who is bisexual herself or at least is understanding and supportive of this aspect of my nature. While the details of such a relationship would have to be negiotiated--my feeling is that in such a relatonship---I can have my buddies for my same sex relationships and she could have the same with some overlap when we would bring other parties into our relationship primarily for the sexual play.
I am 5'6'---I won't say my weight for it is going to be going down---suffice to say--I am overweight but I still think I am a resonably attractive person--even at a good weight I may not make the cover of a fashion magazine--you will not recoil in horror,,,LOL. Since we males have to know this stat--my cock is a tad over 5", thick and cut. I do have nice arms, chest, legs and such. I have hazel eyes, my hair color is a light brown with increasing amounts of gray which I admit to keeping at bay by using "Just for Men" coloring.
Well I am sure there is more--but I have been a bit long winded so I will stop now. Hope you find this interesting and helpful.
For now--I am just checking this site out so I am going to be cheap and stick with the freebie limted membership but if I like it--may get a paid one--for some reason--I just hate to pay to join websites.
Ideal Situation:
I have found that thanks to the Internet--it provides the opprtunity to engage in conversations and in cyber sex---I do like cyber sex a great deal. I find that it is a good way to explore things I might not even think of in person. If I engage in something in cyber I don't like or think I have gone a bit more than I am really comfortable with--then no harm, no foul. I can also judge if we have a degree of sexual compatiblity in terms of activities, degree of aggressiveness or submissiveness.

sex helps too in this regard. Once we have spent time engaging in cyber or phone sex and have also talked at length-then that makes the desire to meet that much greater so we can arrange a meeting. How that first actual meeting can be determined over the course of our interacting here.