has Bisexual Personals, Chat, Bisexual Dating for Men, Women, and Couples, looking for Threesomes, Multiple Partners or Alternative Lifestyles
I am very funny and outgoing. Very open minded. I have never tried anything like this, but I am super curious. Interested in finding someone that is the same or willing to "show me the ropes." :o)~ I am not afraid to try anything once. I am married, but my husband has no idea of my curiosities. I'd like to keep it that way...for now. I have thought about this for years so I want to get right to it...right away. My mind is made up, you only live once, so why not explore my curiosities. I don't think I'm interested in anything serious...but we'll see what happens. Another bi-curious, bi fem or lesbian (at least one not interested in commitment) that likes to keep it on the down-low would be great. I can be very discreet. I get very turned on just thinking about this, so send me a message and lets talk!
Getting Together:
GoodBadGirl27 has never gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
GoodBadGirl27 can possibly entertain at their home.
GoodBadGirl27 would like to meet at an I am not sure yet.
GoodBadGirl27 can travel up to 100 miles.
Ideal Situation:
Ok... lets see. As I previously stated, I really want to get right to it. After I've talked to someone to decide whether we are both interested, I want to meet them somewhere and begin exploring in DETAIL then. Maybe meeting at a restaurant then getting together afterwards to play would be good.
ironmaiden I loved this member. She is honest and says exactly what she is looking for.
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