I'm a sexually attractive white female who is looking for a female to be involved with me and my man. This is my first time on this kind of site so bare with me. I have self-confidence with in myself, and my relationship. So we would like an honest female to be able to handle what it is we are looking for...which is a Girlfriend for me

and to have some simple fun with us both from time to time. He is a very sweet, cute, and sexy man himself. I'm a very honest, loving, open-minded woman. I don't ask for much, but when I do i just want to be respected. So please no home wreckers, heart breakers. Just simply someone for me to kick it with and from time to time have some fun with my man and I. NO DRAMA, NO NEGATIVITY! Just be real and be honest, and lets see what happens. I haven't had that much experience in all this so you can say I'm new, but I do know what I want and what I'm capable of doing, so don't think I'm so innocent!

My man has never done this at all, and mainly is attracted to the thought of his girl with another girl. He isn't looking to find another woman so don't get that twisted. So if your serious and want all this...then hit us back. Talk to you soon!