I'm a displaced Southern the truth be known. I'm from St. Louis, Missouri and every time I come up North they called me a Southerner and every time I go down South they called me a Northerner and it wasn't in a good tone of voice either. Dang Mason-Dixon Line!!! So what am I- a Yankee or Southerner? I'm a Southerner and love everything about it. Most people that come down South and visit just don't understand what the South is all about. The Northerners love being there; the food, listening to the way we all talk, and how easy life is. So I'll do my best to explain it to ya'll, I'll talk slow so ya'll Northerners can keep up. So come on up on the porch, sit back in the rocker, kick your boots or shoes off, put your feet up and let me pour you a sweet tea and let me tell ya'll bout' the South.
What is the South to me... from the moment you come in to the South there's an air of being home and a feeling that you’re always welcomed. Where manners still mean something and used by everyone, both young and old. A "yes mame" and "no sir" will get you a long way. Young boys are taught to open a door for a Lady and never cut in front of a Lady. Where men can still compliment a woman and can give her a peck on the cheek and it's not considered being forward or making a pass at her. The sweet sounding southern twang of a Southern Woman's voice... it will give you gooose-bumps. A place where neighbors see each other and ask "how's your family" and they know that you're truly interested and will listen all day if they have too. When you go over to a neighbors house in the evenings you'll be handed a tall cold glass of sweet tea or your favorite double of whatever it is you drink, preferably bourbon or scotch. And you’re always welcomed to stay for dinner and if there's a Tennessee football game on that's a makings of a party.
And the South is my home and I love everything about it... the ante-bellum homes, the oaks, the swamps, the pines, the moss, the bayous, the fields, the rivers, the lakes, the crawfish, the shrimp, the cotton fields, the barbeque, the sugar cane, pecans, pralines, beignets, gators, riverboats, the Blues, Jazz, The French Quarter, The Mighty Mississippi, The Cajuns, Zydeco, Mint Juleps, The Mudbugs, The Captains, The

and Bars, Southern hospitality, Southern charm, Southern gentlemen, red beans and rice, frog legs, hushpuppies, fried catfish, Gumbo, Etouffee, magnolias, roses, azaleas, muscadines, oleanders, blackberries, strawberries, Jambalaya, Tennessee Vols, Florida beaches, Tennessee- Smoky Mountains, Louisiana bayous, Arkansas Ozarks, Mardi Gras, The Big Easy, Mississippi Mud

, Georgia peaches, Indian mounds, Kentucky Derby, Virginia culture, The Carolinas, cornbread, yams, soppin' syrup, home-made biscuits, fried green tomatoes, oh this could go on forever and I have only just begun.
Now about me: I DON'T PLAY GAMES WITH PEOPLE- IF YOU PLAY GAMES PLEASE DON'T CONTACT ME. I'm a really down to earth, easy going and laid back, simple and uncomplicated man. I'm a postive thinking person and like being around others that are positive... the glass is always full. People say that they know where they stand with me and that I speak my mind frequently...not sure if that’s good or bad yet. I will tell you like it is sometimes with a bit of sugar and other times without, but I'll tell you the truth either way. I'm very sharp witted and quick with a come-back. My friend's would also say that I'm a very funny person that keep them laughing. Lauhgter is good for our souls. I've learned through life's experiences that the truth may hurt a bit, but it frees your soul. I love outdoors and enjoy anything you can possibly do outdoors, especially if it includes water; boating, kayaking, canoeing, white water rafting, cycling, camping, hiking and horseback riding trails (especially the in the Smoky Mountains), traveling our marvelous country, meeting people, skiing- water and snow, quite times with my partner, hot oil massages, hanging out with friends, cooking- indoor and grilling out, wood working and much, much more. I love really great music...something about music just makes all your worries melt away and recharge my soul. My taste in music is some what eclectic, but Dave Mathews Band, James Taylor and John Mayer are some of my favorites.
I’m a Gemini and what exactly is a Gemini …I’m quick minded, and constantly seek out new knowledge. I prefer to learn by doing. I love to see the world, meet as many people as I can, and have as many experiences as possible. I’m not a homebody, I’m very energetic and have an adventurous soul and that I will remain youthful throughout my life. I tend to be the life of a party with lively mannerisms, a quick wit, and I have the ability to embellish a story about the most mundane experience and make it seem magical (my favorite author is Mark Twain). I do have a tendency of wanting the spotlight on me occasionally.
I seem to be at home in almost any situation because of my ability to adapt to new things. This is a by-product of my love of novelty and the famous Gemini independence that keeps them from becoming too attached to a particular set of circumstances.
Independence and restlessness can make my personality seem superficial to others. I’m charming to all people that I meet, and do not seem to show special favor to anyone. And only my partner gets to see the “Bad Boy” in me.
I’m not for the faint of heart, I require an intelligent, adaptable, and tolerant partner. You will never be bored with me as a partner; I’m always seeking a new adventure. By the same token, my partner will need to be imaginative and clever, and be able to adapt to an ever changing environment that I may create and I to her’s. If you are unable to keep up, I will grow weary of the relationship and move on. I’m honest to myself as well as to my partner. I’m very attentive to my partner’s needs and wants and I expect the same in return. I’m a very sensual being and I love to feel, touch, kiss, extremely intimate with my partner. Stimulate my mind and soul and keep my interest and I’m yours forever.
As a helper and worker if the job is interesting and appealing, I will get more done before lunch than anyone else will accomplish all week. If the task at hand seems mundane and boring, I will procrastinate for a short time before moving on to something more challenging. I love to be informed about all that is going on around me, and I will look to my partner for input and advice. In spite of my insistence on being in the limelight, I’m great team player.
I need a partner that can keep up with me…is there a woman out there that can keep up???