US: Hi...SabrinaAnn & Steve Evans here,... Our "Real Names"....for ...."Real Swingers"
QUESTION: is there a Hardup Single

Blocker button we can press to block all the male mosquitos swarming all over Us. .---> NO SINGLE MALES...EVER
We are Both in pretty decent HWP shape,(( we expect same from You )) We are reasonbly attractive ,(( expect same from You)).with great outgoing personailties...(( again ..expect same from You ))....and ..Dam ..can we party naked or what !!! Bet We Can..
We are Both Bi in one way or another, ...altho... Ann is 100% Bi & always Bi active...with bi girlfriends in and out of the swing lifestyle. ..She is always on the Girl Hunt. at the store etc..
We have a completly open marriage ,with zero jelousy whatsoever in fact We are 100% Polyamorus.
We are full time family nudists, with one 8yr old son.
SabrinaAnn even has a heter-str8 boyfriend/stud.
Steve is Bi , but not very active at all, due to 1) the homo-bi-phobic male half of couples who think He will somehow dis-respect there heterosexuality and,... god forbid ,...."touch" there body Strate Guys --->, that will NEVER happen, so relax Your , "tuff guy" image of Yourself will still be intact if You & Your Woman swing with
2) Lack of Bi-Bi couples with attractive male halfs . 3) We never play with single Bi-Gay males due to there proclivity towards dangerous sex with starangers/bathouse type sex over use of drug's...SO..Steve is 100% Bi

ual since puberty ..but...dormant due to these 3 factors. problem tho, He gets his pipes cleanned by a TON of beautiful women in Our lifestyle , He is practicaly a joe sixpack porn star
We are very very experianced full swap swingers.
We are very active in the D/s DOMINANT/submissive lifestyle too. as submissive-slaves...yup.."both" of Us are submissive's (( plural)) ..AND... "Both" of Us (( plural again )) real life sex slaves ,.....slaves to MISTRESSES & MASTERS in the D/s M/s S&M community.
PHILOSOPHY: Swing & Social

is all about what thee other person likes,.and enjoys, its NOT about Us "getting" laid...Its about "Giving" pleasure and "bringing" good vibes to a party or intimate situation......Respect for ones oientation goes both ways. We NEVER cross over ANYones personal boundry's EVER !!!