I have seen many members come into chat and ask or email me wondering how to put pictures on their profiles. It really is not hard at all.
Click on the word "Tools" located in the purple menu at the top of the screen to access the Tools Menu. On the Tools Menu, click My Photos.
On this page, you will be able to upload photos. Members can upload a maximum of 100 pictures to their profile. When uploading photos to your profile, you must follow these simple rules...
- You must be in all of your photos. They cannot be of your favorite playboy bunny or some hot stud you found while wandering the net.
- Animated pictures cannot be uploaded. If you try to upload one, it will not work.
- Pictures of pets or animals cannot be used unless you are in the picture, holding or playing with the animal.
- Pictures with children in them are NOT allowed. Remember this is an Adult Site. You would never take your child out to a Bar with you, so the same applies about bringing them on to an Adult Only Site.
- Cartoon pictures are also not allowed. These will end up being deleted.
- Pornographic pictures of yourself alone or with others are fine.
In order to upload pictures, they must first be somewhere on your phone, tablet, or computer, for instance, in your phone's gallery, or in your My Pictures folder.
Click Upload a Photo, and then click the green Choose a Photo button. A window will appear showing you the files you have on your device. Once you find the picture you want, tap or double-click on it. The chosen filename will replace the Choose a Photo button.
You will be asked if you are in the photo. Please answer honestly.
You can then enter a short description of the picture to tell people a little bit about the picture. For example: Vacation 2018, steamy hot sex, or love to cum.
Next you will see some options labeled "choose permissions". Each option is explained as follows;
- Allow all members to see this picture means just that. Any member new, on trial, or paid can see your picture.
- Only allow Paid Members to see this picture. Members who are not paid will not be able to see these. Even brand new members who are on their free trial will have to upgrade to have access in order to view them.
- Keep this picture private, and protect it under my Photo Pin. This section holds pictures no member can see without your express permission. People can only view these if you give out your personal pin number. This is the four digit number in the pin box. It is best to never give this out randomly in chat unless you don't really care who may see your pictures. It is suggested you send your pin to others by using the BP email system. They can then go to your profile and after entering your pin, they can view your pictures.
Then just click on the upload button. Thats it. Simple and easy.
The first picture you upload into the "all members" section will become your default picture. This means when you are online or someone goes to your profile this is the one members will see first.
You can change the permissions of a picture by clicking or tapping on the photo, and then changing the permissions using the drop down box. Permissions are saved instantly.
Pictures enhance a profile and give members a better opportunity to meet other like people. However, having a picture on your profile is not a requirement. Many members prefer not to even have a picture. Others choose to have a cock or pussy shot only and not one that could identify them publicly. It is up to the individual member to decide what they wish to share. Please respect members who do not have a picture up.
Many members will not consider meeting up with another member unless they have pictures. Some members insist it has to be a face picture. This is not a put down to others but a personal decision. Even if they don't have a picture in the profile somewhere, it is always best to ask to see one. It may be in their private pin section or just something they haven't put up yet.
When viewing other members' pictures take note all pictures are copyrighted and cannot be copied.
"But, I'm shy" you say? Remember, everyone here is only human. We all have flaws and no one is perfect. There will always be something about ourselves we do not like. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one thinks is an ugly duckling, may just be someone elses swan.
Personally, I do not judge a person by their pictures. While it's great to see one right away, I just look at it as a fringe benefit. What matters to me is in the words of that person's profile. If they say something that interests me, I will explore further with or without a picture. Those can always come later.
Remember, having a picture is not a necessity, but will give others an idea of who they are talking to, or planning to write to. In turn it may be just the needed thing that helps make that special connection click.
Hope this helps. Happy Hunting!