Well let's see....I don't fit in a box! So please don't try to put me in one, I'm a complex person who simply seeks the simple things in life. The world and life is complicated, having to fit a mold or be placed into a category isn't for me. I always let a person be who they are and accept them for who they are, it's pretty easy when you think about it. Laughter is important to me, love to laugh. I may seem serious or determined on the outside, but on the inside I'm crazy.
nothing more to make people laugh, best exercise in the world. Then when you're done laughing, I'll feed you.
cooking and enjoy the sight of people enjoying a meal. So, when you're done eating and everything settled, make you laugh again...you know the exercise. I don't hold grudges, but you get on the wrong side, you'll know it. Life's too short to stay pissed at people, unless you touch the third rail in my world. Then you'll know...Doesn't always have to be about sex, nothing better than an intelligent conversation, just be open and receptive to new ideas, thoughts and values. I respect yours so please respect mine. Anyways, rambling so if interested drop a line, even just to say Hi