Age, Preference:
73, Bisexual
Gender, Race:

Practice Safe Sex:
Does not apply
I have a good amount of experience
6' 0, 208 lbs. (Average)
I wear contacts instead of glasses
Interested In Ages:
41 - 99
Looking For:
Single Men
Single Women
Will go as far as:
Meeting in person
Short Term Relationship
Long Term Relationship
Interested In:
Cyber Sex
Phone Sex
1 on 1 Sexual Relationship
M-F-F Threesome
M-M-F Threesome
M-F-M Threesome
F-M-F Threesome
Group Sex
Other Alternative Lifestyle
I'm highly sensual. I very much enjoy the senses, touching, feeling the touch from another, longer intelligent conversation and fanciful talk (sometimes) while we make love. However, usually, spontaneity is best. My penis is a fatty & I ALWAYS DEEP throat. I love swallowing and adore my gag reflex, especially with the longest erections. I gag and swallow the cum quick! gulp. . . . yum!
My love is to receive fat, long cock up my ass and deep throat a long penis while you're slamming it into my mouth and ejaculating down my throat as hard as you can. As a bisexual, my love for the male & female is my way to be complete in my sexual/sensual import & deportment of emotion and manliness. I am NOT a drama queen. Have no use for them. I don't act feminine because I am not feminine. However, It is fun to feign a feminism from time to time. I am bottom. I do top as well, maybe very well? OK, probably better than bottom. I like being treated kindly at all times. I like being roughed up by mutual agreement, but, not in a conversation nor following vocal disagreement. I would like it if you want to fuck me hard or if you want me to fuck you hard. I like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra. I don't have any, but have had it & I like it! Yes, I too, go for nsa. I love to be photographed while sucking & being fucked. Only excellent fotos please! No phone cams or webcams. You own & keep photos. As for "safe sex" (?) we gonna talk about defining that. It aint simply putting a rubber on yer dick and fuckin' fer all it's worth.
Getting Together:
citrus has gotten together with someone through a site like this before.
citrus can possibly entertain at their home.
citrus would like to meet at an Other....
citrus can travel up to 25000 miles.
Ideal Situation:
*IDEAL? Making friends with benefits. That starts sounding like one might harbor an expectation. I Have no expectation. It's unlikely that an IDEAL situation could ever be found. However, taking full advantage of a situation could possibly be making something rather good into The Most Memorable, Enjoyable situation! How 'bout THAT?*
A friend, present in the life of another friend joins into what essentially becomes one continuing conversation broken into segments by various external and internal interruptions. Those interruptions, pauses and abatements range from alienating topics in greetings and departures, sleep, current events, distance, technologies, interesting interjecting influences, hiccups, manias, phobias, to zeal and about anything else you can imagine in a spectrum of possibilities. Including -God forbid- The cafe having bad coffee!
In order for the person (me or you) to appreciate the other (you or me) more fully, I believe it's important to be mindful that everything cannot be said and shared in one single conversational segment. The first, second, third, or any subsequent conversational exchange cannot possibly envelope the totality of those elements and intimacies in our lives that we strive to share. Much less even so far as to introduce such ideas. When we hit it off at first sighting, that is an exceptionally exciting event. Extraordinary! If, perhaps we don't click right away, that's alright. What do we have to lose? Nothing. We are, or were strangers to one another already, remember!? We've all to gain! In revealing myself to you, and you to me, we may quickly find a common view, a similarity that isn't obvious at the surface. It isn't a date; It's an introductory greeting. Methinks 1st impressions as important and all telling as they are must be confirmed by engaging a second and third rendezvous. Beyond that, no worries. We tried a fine, honest effort numerous times on succeeding tries to reach higher with each other. We may part as acquaintances. Or, we don't part and have become fast friends growing together, learning together, building together.