INTENSE at work, RELAXED at play, a bit of a LONER... I use my body and my HANDS, but I do have a pretty SHARP mind... I appreciate QUALITY, whether it is food and drink, clothes, my car, my friends, music... I LIVE OUTDOORS (spend at least half the day every day outside-- no matter what the weather-- we do see some extremes here in the mountains!) and would love to PLAY outdoors (sexually, though not necessarily in public!) I'm PROUD of my body and what it can do, and-- oh yeah, as my handle indicates-- I'm an assman! I LOVE B

S-- tan, brown, white, pink, yellow, red, female, male-- all shapes and sizes, but the tighter the better! Almost forgot-- I love to be almost or entirely NUDE-- at work, on my hikes and bike rides, while driving on a long road trip, in my yard, as long as I don't get arrested...!