place San Jon, NM

dick (oo7dot): 69, BiBisexual 
dick (oo7dot): 65, BiBisexual 
READ Both Profiles ~ tigerlily_10 & oo7dot ~
***** We are in the process of merging two long standing profiles into one. This may take a while, till then please be patient with us. Nothing much will change in Who we are & What we are into. There is just some fine tuning to be done. At this time Teresa is working & living in North Carolina. We Fly back & forth as much as we can for now. We will be settling here in New Mexico somewhere. It's going to take a little longer than we would like, but it is in the works. Till we get some, as I said "Fine Tuning" finished, Please read both profiles, , , ,This one (oo7dot) & Hers (tigerlily_10) Thank YOU for YOUR patience.
We Are Esthetically Thrilled to have found each-other & working hard to expedite this Bond. And We are Excited & Eager to meet YOU as A COUPLE.
~ ~ ~ ~ Please, If YOU Have Any Questions and or Concerns, Ask Anything YOU Wish.(ANYTHING!) We Answer All Correspondence. It may take a day or so, but, at-least one, if not both of us will respond. WE Are An Open Book, Writing New Chapters Every Day! . . . . I hope YOU will be in at-least one of the next chapters.
Again, Thanks for YOUR Patience, We're working on it......
Every Day is a Gift ! Unwrap It Quick & Play With It !
D & T
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There are many sexual experiences I have yet to to have, (YOU being one of them.) I would like to change that as soon as passable. I am open to most anything. Well anything that I know of, at this time. If YOU know something that I don't, I bet, I'll do it. Just ask me to do it! or tell me to!. I'll give it my best shot. (I'm easy!) Ha Ha I have many MF/M -- F/M/F -- F/F/M -- M/M/F -- M/M -- M/M/M and GROUP, fantasies that would love to play out. I'll need some help with these, so 'TAG YOU'RE IT'
My passion has always been to make WOMEN happy. As of late, I have widened that passion to include all sexual orientations. I will do whatever it takes, within reason (and a little bit more) ( Oh hell, a lot more) to achieve that goal. I love good hard core, lusty, no holds bared, monkey SEX and whatever it brings, touchy feelie, lick-a-d-slit, lickie-DICKIE, Bring it on. (I am certainly not a DICK-A-PHOBIC)............... I guess, I'm a little KINKY........ YOU think?