place Indian Orchard, MA

Amy: 56, BiBisexual 
High! And thank you for taking the time to read my profile. First off, I have written this because I get asked all these questions a lot so here goes an info over load ... tehe I'm a bi chick I'm 5'1" green eyes, long curly auburn hair & a pretty smile ~so I am told~ 36/C 7 thong... for those of you that like that sort of info heh. Oh and I am quite often mistaken for a pixie tehe. *twirls* I gave up younger guys for lent heh.
I like to chat about anything. I'm NOT married I don't have kids. And am very happy and keeping it that way.
Hobbies ~ my man, cooking, baking, spending time with my pets [ cat & a dog ], music [ old & new rock ] playing pool, drawing, getting ink,, D/s, spankings, flogging, crops, restraints, toys, role-playing,( RT) being nakie, movies, The Fairy Oracle & doing readings, chatting with friends on line, trading, readings, & chillin with my buds...
I have 10 tattoos 6 of them I drew & I have 15 piercing 8 are in my ears the other 7 are heh well... elsewhere, guess all 7 right win a prize heh
Goal ~ To be the best person I can be.
Words to live bi ~" One person's morals easily can become another persons demons" "Your kinky may very well be my everyday..." "...if you look for weakness in others, then your own
weakness is apparent to all those around you." " is it Cookie time?"
Question of the day... I share my toys do you? Is it four twenty yet? Will you be my plaything?