To my friends, I have enjoyed getting to know you all. I am very fortunate to have a lovely man to be currently dating.
But, my time is very limited now. I am being pulled by many responsibilities with my mom, elderly relatives (ill), work, etc. I have let my businesses slide a bit and I need to place my focus on that.
I am not LEAVING the site - but will take a break for a month or so and I will return.
I think I need to place some time and focus on my very active local life.
I wish everyone well and God Bless.


s - see you soon.
Ok, I've been on the site a few months and its time to describe myself better. I am a softer soul than many people have assumed by my profile name.
I am 34 and totally comfortable with my body and I love my life.
Now that I have reached my "prime" - this confidence translates into owning my sensuality.
I am sensuous, sultry, seductive and thus sexy. I make no apologies.
Nor am I a "chick" or girl. I am an elegant woman, a lady, who expects and receives treatment accordingly. You receive the energy you put out - both men and women it is about respect
I would much rather have one special lover for 100 bonded lusty, exploding, sensual, sultry, seductive experiences (whew!) than 100 anonymous sexual partners for one "encounter" each.
It would be amazing to find a gentleman who is NOT looking for a one night stand. Is it possible??? Don't worry, I am NOT out on the prowl for a husband but simply to find someone/or a couple to grow more intimate with over time. I want a friendship that develops and that, of course, increases the pleasure.
I lay beside you on that couch and using my index finger, I gently trace your jawline, my other hand is busy pulling you close. I kiss you lightly and teasingly just once, then seduce you with an eyelash kiss to your cheek, gently brush my lips on your closed eyelids ... and being silly, we lightly rub our noses like Eskimos. Our lips find each other again and we play erotic kissing games. Then we spend the evening as enthusiastic teenagers exploring each other for the first time.
I joined the site to try to meet guys without being judged by my looks First. Sometimes, when guys see me they assume I don't have a brain or that I am easy. This way (with this site) I can chat, then IM, then phone before I ever meet a guy. He has a chance to get to know the me inside first... I get "hit on" enough in daily life that I thought I would try meeting via the web as a way to slowly get to know someone for a steady sex partner.
(Meaning that to get to know somebody would be better for making love versus just sex)
I enjoy being with couples (male/female) because I've had problems with single men stalking me or wanting to get too serious, too quick.
But all things considered, I PREFER to be with two men at the same time. Finding a special man to be my partner who would accept this and not try to change me or judge me is diffcult. I do not feel like I want to just be the center of attention, I would adore finding a bi man because it turns me on to watch men interact and I go ballistic watching them doing each other. More so, when I'm involved in the activity (I am not a very good voyeur)
There are so many positions for three people to try ... I am sure we can think some new ones up.
I am not a slutty person, I am by day quite elegant person. I simply have a wilder private side I need to experience more often.