place Barrie, ON

h4mmerhead: 53, Bi-Cur.Bi-Curious 
So here's the part where we're supposed to talk about ourselves. So, let's not beat around the bush. If you read my headline, then you know my intentions. I want sex. I love it and can't get enough of it (or so my spouse tells me).
Let's get a few things straight - my wife knows that I have a very high sex drive and she's ok with me stepping out for a little fun on the side - she knows I am going back to her, so there's no problem. If that is a problem for you, then good luck, take care and play safe.
Still reading? Good. First off about me: I am easy on the eyes, I have a lot of stamina, I am fixed (so no uh-ohs!), I am very open minded, I am funny, intelligent, have a good job and great friends. I am also sane, squeaky clean and smell good.
What are my assets? Well other than the above, from a sexual position (no pun intended), I am long-lasting, reasonably hung, great with my tongue, great kisser and attentive to you needs. You want it slow and easy? Check. Hard and fast? Gotcha. A painful, humiliating experience? No, sorry, I don't do that. Light spankings, yes, extreme stuff, no.
Need an extra fella for your MF threesome? I have that covered as well. Been in a few and I have no hangups if my stuff touches another guy's equipment. I'm not even close to being homophobic. In fact I have several gay friends (not that I do anything with any of them, but nonetheless I don't judge anybody on how they decide to live their life). Carpe Diem, right?
Keep in mind I do not jump into bed with just anyone - there has to be some chemistry between us - if there isn't, then we'll part ways with no hard feelings. Even though I am relatively confident, I understand I'm not 100% compatible with everyone. C'est la vie.
I am D&D free, I play safe, I am still sane, and I will probably not stay the night - I do have my own home thanks, so there's no need for another pair of shoes on your mat for the evening. I am tall, tanned and relatively lean (the winter hibernation doesn't do me any favours, but I have a fast metabolism, so I don't have a lot of excess cargo that sticks around for too long).
One other thing I want to make clear - I do have a home life (including a wife and kids) outside of my fun life, so I usually have to schedule around that - I am not always available at the drop of a dime, so please respect that if you ask and I can't attend. So does this mean I can't host? Not necessarily, but with some scheduling I could.
Also, I am not asking you to replace my wife sexually - we have a very healthy sexual relationship, and she fulfills all of my needs (and more!), so you would not be "doing things my wife won't do". Believe me, there's some things *she* does that you wouldn't!
So in closing (and I'm sure this has been repeated ad nauseum - yes, I can do the job well, no I am no desperate (I still get laid on a daily basis, I'm just greedy lol), and yes I will treat you with the respect you demand and deserve. Who knows - this could become a regular occurrence if we play our cards right.
I guess I could continue with a CV, but you're not looking to hire. To sum it up, yes, I believe I am sponge-worthy (10 points if you know what sitcom that is from). :P
Oh by the way, no pictures will be sent by me until I get to know you - I am a very discreet individual who does not flippantly pass out photos of myself at the drop of a dime. Trust me, I am good looking (like you haven't heard *that* before lol). If you do send me any pictures, they will go nowhere - I would expect the same from anyone to whom I send pictures as well.
If this profile sounds arrogant, then I apologize. I am upfront, honest and I have nothing to hide at this point in my life - maybe confidence can be misread as arrogance. :P